21 research outputs found

    Attention induced distortions of neural population responses, receptive fields, and tuning curves

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    Selektive visuelle Aufmerksamkeit bezeichnet im Allgemeinen die zielgerichtete Steuerung des Informationsflusses. Zahlreiche Studien im Bereich der raum- und merkmalsbasierten Aufmerksamkeit haben gezeigt, dass das visuelle System diese Kontrolle durch aktivitätsmodulierende Mechanismen ausübt. Es wird angenommen, dass diese Mechanismen zu einer verstärkten neuronalen Repräsentation von relevanten Stimuli oder Merkmalen führen, während irrelevante Aspekte unterdrückt werden. Dies bedeutet, dass Aufmerksamkeit lediglich die Stärke der neuronalen Repräsentationen, nicht aber die repräsentierten Inhalte selbst ändert. In dieser Arbeit wird argumentiert, dass Aufmerksamkeit die neuronalen Repräsentationen grundlegend sowohl auf Populationsebene als auch auf der Ebene einzelner Neurone verändern kann. Dies wird anhand offener Aufmerksamkeitsverlagerungen und der Ausrichtung von merkmalsbasierter Aufmerksamkeit gezeigt werden. Selective visual attention is generally conceptualized to control the flow of information with respect to the task at hand. Various studies in the space-based and feature-based domain of attention have demonstrated that the visual system achieves this via gain-control mechanisms. These mechanisms are supposed to result in an enhanced neural representation of relevant stimuli or features while irrelevant ones are suppressed. Thus, attention is suggested to modulate the strength of neural representations without altering their content. In this thesis, however, it will be argued that attention is able to change the very nature of these neural representations both at the level of population responses and of single neurons. This will be demonstrated for overt shifts of space-based attention as well as for the directing of feature-based attention

    The Peri-Saccadic Perception of Objects and Space

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    Eye movements affect object localization and object recognition. Around saccade onset, briefly flashed stimuli appear compressed towards the saccade target, receptive fields dynamically change position, and the recognition of objects near the saccade target is improved. These effects have been attributed to different mechanisms. We provide a unifying account of peri-saccadic perception explaining all three phenomena by a quantitative computational approach simulating cortical cell responses on the population level. Contrary to the common view of spatial attention as a spotlight, our model suggests that oculomotor feedback alters the receptive field structure in multiple visual areas at an intermediate level of the cortical hierarchy to dynamically recruit cells for processing a relevant part of the visual field. The compression of visual space occurs at the expense of this locally enhanced processing capacity

    Parietal Cortex Regulates Visual Salience and Salience-Driven Behavior

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    Chen et al. show that inactivation of parietal cortex selectively reduces salience signals within prefrontal cortex and diminishes the influence of salience on visually guided behavior. The results demonstrate a causal role of parietal cortex in regulating salience signals within the brain and in controlling salience-driven behavior

    The Contribution of Parietal Cortex to Visual Salience

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    Unique stimuli stand out. In spite of an abundance of competing sensory stimuli, the detection of the most salient ones occurs without effort, and that detection contributes to the guidance of adaptive behavior. Neurons sensitive to the salience of visual stimuli are widespread throughout the primate visual system and are thought to shape the selection of visual targets. However, the source of the salience computation has remained elusive. Among the possible candidates are areas within posterior parietal cortex, which appear to be crucial in the control of visual attention and are thought to play a unique role in representing stimulus salience. Here we show that reversible inactivation of parietal cortex not only selectively reduces the representation of visual salience within the brain, but it also diminishes the influence of salience on visually guided behavior. These results demonstrate a distinct contribution of parietal areas to vision and visual attention

    The Contribution of Parietal Cortex to Visual Salience

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    Unique stimuli stand out. In spite of an abundance of competing sensory stimuli, the detection of the most salient ones occurs without effort, and that detection contributes to the guidance of adaptive behavior. Neurons sensitive to the salience of visual stimuli are widespread throughout the primate visual system and are thought to shape the selection of visual targets. However, the source of the salience computation has remained elusive. Among the possible candidates are areas within posterior parietal cortex, which appear to be crucial in the control of visual attention and are thought to play a unique role in representing stimulus salience. Here we show that reversible inactivation of parietal cortex not only selectively reduces the representation of visual salience within the brain, but it also diminishes the influence of salience on visually guided behavior. These results demonstrate a distinct contribution of parietal areas to vision and visual attention

    Dissonant Representations of Visual Space in Prefrontal Cortex during Eye Movements

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    Summary: We used local field potentials (LFPs) and spikes to investigate representations of visual space in prefrontal cortex and the dynamics of those representations during eye movements. Spatial information contained in LFPs of the frontal eye field (FEF) was differentially distributed across frequencies, with a majority of that information being carried in alpha and high-gamma bands and minimal signal in the low-gamma band. During fixation, spatial information from alpha and high-gamma bands and spiking activity was robust across cortical layers. Receptive fields (RFs) derived from alpha and high-gamma bands were retinocentrically organized, and they were spatially correlated both with each other and with spiking RFs. However, alpha and high-gamma RFs probed before eye movements were dissociated. Whereas high-gamma and spiking RFs immediately converged toward the movement goal, alpha RFs remained largely unchanged during the initial probe response, but they converged later. These observations reveal possible mechanisms of dynamic spatial representations that underlie visual perception during eye movements